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Road life with McQueen slowed to a major concert or two per month and I started thinking of doing a solo album of some of my favourite tunes. I collected backing tracks and recorded “one take”  vocals for several just to see if they suited my voice – with plans of re recording any vocal tracks if they sounded okay. I never had a chance to re record or even finish picking tunes. A major stroke ended any ability to sing or play. Here are some of the covers I tried..
 I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry – thank you.. thank you very much.. 
 Roses are Red,
From a Jack to a King  
After the stroke I had to learn to speak all over again. My speech is pretty good now but the muscle control needed to sing is totally gone. I began experimenting with ways to make music as soon as I was able to make it down the stairs to my computer (well over a year after the stroke). In time my keyboarding coordination and focus began improving. It still was not good, but I just NEEDED to write and play music..
The Long Road Home
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