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I began experimenting with a vocoder (they produce the robot voices in many songs – like “domo arigato Mr. Roboto”...)  You plug in a mic and a keyboard then speak the lyrics as you play the melody on the keyboard. Here is how it sounded.
Danny Boy

Here is my recent dual alto sax project. I think I've really learned how to play sax quite well (just joking, this is completely programmed in band-in-a-box.) I was not concerned with writing a great composition, but with the technical aspects of how to program, create and edit in band-in-a-box.

There was a song I had written just before my stroke. I quickly recorded the vocal track so I didn't forget it while I was writing it. I didn't record any backup tracks at the time – it was only a scratchpad reminder of what I was working on. Recently I stumbled on the recording and decided to try and add backing tracks. After hours of struggle adjusting timings in my digital audio tools, I managed to come up with this. It is by no means perfect but it should give you an idea of what I had intended for the tune.
You're The Reason
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